
Disability Information Services provides a comprehensive guide to resources and services available for the disabled community. Our platform, Disability Leadership New Zealand, curated and owned by Glen McMillan—a renowned and visionary leader in New Zealand's disability community—offers an easy way to find the specific support services you require. Explore our website to connect with the essential resources designed to empower and assist.

I, Glen McMillan, am the author of many books on disability. Accessibility, ACC Rights, Children's Books, Disability Rights, Educational, Employment, Housing, Inclusive Recreation, Nutritional Information, Parking, Romance Fiction, Self-Esteem, Self-Help, Training Manuals, and much more. available in various formats.

Unfortunately, the disability sector is currently facing cuts, and those who are planning these cuts seem to have little understanding of the actual cost of disability. My educational book series covers many topics that have yet to be addressed in the public discourse.

These books provide insights into the struggles, heartbreak, and utter exhaustion that disabled individuals and their carers experience daily. I challenge all MPs to read these books. They are essential reading for professionals and non-professionals, providing a realistic and accurate view of life for those with disabilities.

I hope that, by reading these books, policymakers will gain a better understanding of the challenges faced by disabled individuals and their families and will reconsider any plans to cut funding to the disability sector. Instead of making cuts, we should focus on lifting those who need it most. Early intervention is critical and can save more lives than any budget cuts ever could.